CREATIVE ECOSYSTEM is a model developed by Emmi Salonen that nurtures sustainable creative wellbeing and supports individuals and organisations through workshops and inspiring talks. It's an invitation to journey into your creative wellbeing, no matter what your profession is. Recognise energising INPUT areas in your everyday, that will nourish your purpose, inspiration, intuition, resilience and flow. In balance, you’ll start to cultivate flourishing creative OUTPUT.

Events run and curated by Emmi provide you with wisdom and ideas that will not only inspire you to develop and enjoy your creative practise, but will help you find meaningful connections in life – be it nourishing self-kindness or cultivating happier interactions with people and the environment.

Visit the CREATIVE ECOSYSTEM website to find out more, and participate via Instagram @StudioEmmi.


Creative Ecosystem


  • Creative Wellbeing Model
  • Talks
  • Workshops
  • Events

Discover how to sustain your creative wellbeing by exploring the Creative Ecosystem wheel INPUT areas:

CONNECTION / Connect who you are with what you do to nurture your purpose
WONDER / Explore the ordinary with curiosity to nurture your inspiration
PAUSE / Book in time for solitude and reflection to nurture your intuition
MOVEMENT / Stay fluid and evolve with the process to nurture your resilience
JOY / Enjoy immersing yourself fully in an activity to nurture your vitality

Which INPUT area you would like to start your creative wellbeing journey with?

Visit the website to find out more


Emmi Salonen gives talks sharing her design journey and the story behind the Creative Ecosystem model, filled with self-nourishing tips and tools.


Using the Creative Ecosystem model and sharing scientific studies, the workshop guides you in finding balance and inspiration to help your creativity flourish.


Emmi Salonen runs these one-off or a series of sessions support individuals on their creative journey.

The above services can focus on Creative Ecosystem as a whole, or a specific INPUT area. These are lead or curated by Emmi Salonen and provided for individuals, organisations, workplaces and universities.

Connect with the CREATIVE ECOSYSTEM community through newsletters, online events and Instagram.

Even though I’ve been in the communications arts business for decades I appreciate people like yourself that can still make me think like an inquisitive young person.

Attendee RGD DesignThinkers Toronto, CANADA

Emmi gave a buoyantly special talk on how important it is for us to take pause from work, connect with our personal values and joy are.

Cal Thompson / VP of End to End Design, Headspace.

Attendee, Design Matters Tokyo, JAPAN

As I’m taking some steps back to reflect on all the learnings from this conference, I can’t help but give a special shoutout to Emmi for her mind-blowing workshop on creativity. She truly stole the show for me! Her insights and techniques have opened up a whole new world of possibilities in my creative process. 

Alexandra Mihai, Design Matters Tokyo, JAPAN

Visit the CREATIVE ECOSYSTEM website to find out more.